Park Rules and Regulations
- Park hours are from dawn to dusk
- Glass containers are prohibited
- Alcoholic beverage consumption is prohibited (unless otherwise indicated)
- Littering is prohibited. Use trash receptacles
- Scooters and skateboards prohibited
- Motorized vehicles prohibited off roadways and beyond parking areas
- Improperly parked vehicles will be towed
- Two hour parking for patrons only
- Vending or sales prohibited without permit
- Hunting or use of firearms prohibited
- Dogs are to remain on leash at all times
- Pet owners are required to pick up after pets Ordinance 2003-1275, Sec. 6-24
- Plants and animals are protected – do not remove or molest
- Control noise levels – please be respectful of others
- Destroying public property is prohibited by Title 19, Chapter 191 of the Government Code of Texas
- No smoking allowed in any City of Houston park interior and exterior spaces/facilities.
Effective Date September 2, 2014. Enacted under Ordinance #2006-1054; Sec. 21-243
reservations & rentals
Interested in hosting an event at Emancipation Park Conservancy? Private events may be held in several areas. Please call the phone numbers provided to learn more.
Ballfield Reserverations: 832.394.8804
Park Permits: 832.394.8805